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20 January 2022

In order to prevent indoor air quality problems and help an efficient solution, temperature and relative humidity levels should be monitored in schools and thermal comfort should be provided in the environments. In addition, the CO2 level should be monitored when external ventilation is inadequate. A properly designed ventilation/air conditioning system provides comfort conditions by adjusting temperature and humidity levels appropriately, distributes air in accordance with the needs of indoor residents, and minimizes odors and other pollutants with the help of pressure control, filtration and exhaust fans.

ASHRAE's Standard 55-1962 set temperature and relative humidity levels for humans. Comfort conditions provide humidity at 30-60% relative humidity and temperature between 20-25.6°C depending on the season.

ASHRAE's Standard 62.1-2010 has set the outdoor air requirement level for various environments. In general, 25.5-102 m3 /h fresh air per person is recommended for the Heating-Ventilation-Air Conditioning system.

In addition, CO2 levels should be used as an indicator for proper ventilation. Outdoor ventilation can be said to be inappropriate when CO2 levels are 1000 ppm.

There are six basic control methods to reduce the concentrations of indoor air pollutants in schools:

Resource Management
Resource management includes removing the resource, replacing the resource, and closing the resource. There are many methods that can be applied practically. The best prevention method is strictly to prevent contaminants from entering school buildings.

The most convenient way to control indoor air pollutants, including volatile organic compounds, cigarette odor, particulate matter and radon, is to control them at their source. This can be accomplished by sealing or by imposing limitations on the availability and use of the weld.

Some welds containing asbestos can be sealed or sealed; emissions can be reduced by adjusting such as gas stoves. In many cases, source control is more economical to improve indoor air quality than to increase ventilation. Because increasing the ventilation load will increase the energy cost.

If the source of the pollution is known, local exhaust ventilation is the most effective way to remove the pollutants.

Local Exhaust
Local exhaust is an efficient method for capturing and removing pollutants dispersed indoors at their source and sending them outside. Examples where local exhausts are used are waiting rooms, kitchens, scientific laboratories and household storage rooms, printing and copying rooms, professional/industrial areas (such as resource rooms).

When the ventilation system is properly designed, operated and maintained, it will automatically reduce airborne contaminants to normal levels. In some cases, such as painting, the concentration of smoke in the air is diluted by ventilation.

Pollutants come from building and decoration materials, furniture, people and their activities, and intake air. In this case, using demand-controlled ventilation provides energy savings of up to 50%. Demand controlled systems are a ventilation system in which the air flow is controlled depending on the pollutant loads. Air quality sensors are required in these systems. The sensors to be used can be one of the options CO2, mixed gas, CO2/mixed gas, CO2/CO.

Exposure Control
Where pollution cannot be completely avoided, it is necessary to shorten exposure times and forms.

Exposure control involves adjusting location, amount and time to reduce potential exposure.

Air Purifiers
Air cleaners come in many types and sizes, from the cheapest models to the most comprehensive and expensive home systems. Some air cleaners are highly efficient at retaining particles, while others operate less efficiently. Air cleaners generally cannot remove gaseous pollutants.

The efficiency of an air cleaner depends on how it collects pollutants from the indoor air and how much fresh air it passes through the filter or cleaning element. An efficient filter may not be efficient at low airflow, whereas a low efficiency filter will not be suitable in an air cleaner with a high airflow rate. The long-term performance of any air cleaner is dependent on maintenance performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Another important factor in determining the efficiency of the air cleaner is the power of the pollutant source. Ordinary air cleaners, in particular, cannot adequately remove pollutants even in close proximity to strong pollutants. Air cleaners should be selected depending on the particular sensitivity of the pollution source.

It is very important to train school staff and students on IHC. If people are informed about indoor air pollutants and their control, their exposure to these pollutants will be reduced. For this purpose, seminars can be organized especially for school administrators, teachers and staff.